Attn: Personal Brands, Influencers and Coaches:

Amplify Your Influence and Take Your Brand and Website to the Next Level

Ignite Your Impact, and Boost Your Authority
with a Conversion-Focused Website & Branding
to Skyrocket Your Success!

“We get compliments all the time on our site design, and someone just said that they show our website to their clients as what a “gold standard podcast website” should look like. ”
Jordan Harbinger
Jordan & Jen Harbinger

Legends We Have Worked With…

Chris Ducker
Evan Marc Katz
James Schramko
The Property Couch

Take Your Brand Impact, Income, and Influence to New Heights


Imagine… exponential growth, loyal clients, and unparalleled influence as the leader in your field.

If you’re like so many of our high-level clients, this is where you’re headed. After years in the game, you’ve already impacted so many lives, and made an unforgettable impression on your audience… but you know you’re destined for more. You know you can take your brand to greater heights, so you can reach more people, receive more opportunities, and create more life-changing results.

You’re a bold visionary who is ready to rise up and deliver on that mission, taking your message to the widest audience possible.

So let us ask you… is your current website holding you back from reaching your full potential and putting a limit on your growth?



Leaders in their fields have trusted us with their brand online.

Team of 25+


Specialists and experts at your service to boost your brand.

20 Industries


across the globe from start-ups to multi-million dollar eCommerce stores.



of lives impacted from our clients’ work. Mission Accomplished.

Leave a Lasting Impression on Your Audience and Gain the Recognition You Deserve

You’re incredible at what you do – you know it, your clients know it, and so do we. But does the rest of the world know
just how good you are? Or do you find yourself struggling to express your authority and expertise to your audience, and failing to attract and convert new clients consistently to your brand because your website is letting you down?

Are you frustrated your website isn’t getting the results you want (and deserve)?

Is lacklustre website design not positioning you as the authority you are?

Is your messaging inconsistent and disjointed and failing to connect deeply with your audience?

Are you ready to level up online and need an experienced team that truly understands both design AND conversions?

If any of the above resonates with you…

Then the simple truth is that your website could be the reason you’re only achieving a fraction of your true potential. And we can help…

Personal brands and influencers that we have designed for…


Give Yourself the Best Chance of Dominating Your Industry

We’ve worked with hundreds of A-Players globally, and know the elements your website needs to take you to the top of your industry.

Imagine having a compelling website that…

Truly demonstrates your authority and credibility to make you immediately recognisable as an expert and leader in your field.

Converts visitors to clients on autopilot day after day, letting your website be a marketing machine that does all the heavy lifting for you 24/7.

Connects with your audience
and makes them feel seen, heard and understood…and ultimately excited to take action.

Expresses your message authentically. A unique, impactful and unforgettable website experience that deeply resonates with your audience.

Ends the mythical search for designers, experts and developers who actually understand your needs and can deliver the results you crave.

Unlocks your next level of success to go full throttle with a team to support you, so you never feel held back by your website again.

Positions you as a sought after influencer and public figure for booking and events organisers.

Gives you that feel-good vibe when you are proud of your website and know it clearly positions as the industry-leader.

Studio1 delivers engaging website designs and conversion-focused copy to achieve all this and more.
We can help you connect authentically with your audience, speak their language and turn them into loyal customers. This dynamic combination is what can shift your business from good to great.

Let Go of Your Website Frustrations From the Past, and Create Exactly The Impact You Want for the Future.

As a key influencer and leader it’s important to feel your work is supported and presented exceptionally on every level.

For this you need a team who understands the size of your vision.

You have possibly outgrown agencies who, let’s be honest, are serving clients who are just not at your level. They don’t have the vision or experience working with A-List celebrities and world class brands.
It’s not a bad thing… It’s just not the thing you
need now.

You need an agency that can look beyond the here and now and capture your vision, strategically positioning you for growth into the future.

Now is Your Time to be at Your Best

Forget the continual struggle and the exhausting drain of trying to figure out how to fine tune your brand. Get your website and copy humming like a high performance sports car.

If you’re ready to go all-in and discover success like never before, then it’s time for a no-nonsense conversation about your goals and vision, and how we can help build you a truly phenomenal online presence.

Studio1’s Strategic Process to Amplify Your Influence. Our Proven Process Has Helped Thousands of Clients Take Things to the Next Level…

We work with the world’s best influencers, leaders, coaches and brands. We take you through the journey of crafting your distinctive brand and a top level website that expresses your unique personality so that you are seen as the best in your field. A powerful online presence designed to create authentic connections with your audience and build your authority as you expand your reach and grow your impact.


Online Business Planning We do a full brand and content analysis to understand your business stage, identify your ideal clients, and explore your goals, ensuring your project is going to take you where you want to go.


Design & Development We turn your ideas into an incredible brand and a successful website—the kind that elevates you from ordinary to extraordinary and gives you an edge over the competition.


Messaging & Copywriting We ensure you communicate your essence and connect with your audience using words that resonate and convert.  Express your brand voice and message to get your audience engaged and buying.


Launch Your New Website Break new ground in your market and confidently share everything you have to offer with those who need it most. Finally enjoy a website that you can be proud of, and that matches your level of expertise.


Why Have 2000+ Influencers & Businesses Trusted us With Their Website’s Success?

Because we know what it takes to play at the top level, and how to create websites that attract raving fans, time and time again.

We’re not afraid of a big vision, and will always go the extra mile to build you into the world’s next online success story.

We take your project personally, it’s not just a website to us, we understand that your online presence is an extension of YOU and what you stand for. We make sure EVERYTHING we create for you reflects that. We will tailor the design carefully and with attention, bringing in our years of expertise to express YOUR vision.

Amplify Your Brand in a Way No One Else Can

Our Complete Online Branding Solution includes:


Powerful Copywriting & Messaging

Copy that shapes your brand voice and captivates your target market.


Mood Board

A curated visual collection that sets the parameters of your new branding.


Brand Guide

Technical details and guidelines for preserving design integrity in future brand use.


Your Game Changing
Custom Website

Custom designed for conversions and built on WordPress, mobile-friendly and easy to update yourself.


On Brand Social
Media Assets

Ready-to-go library of images for use on social media to keep your brand consistent.

At Studio1, we bring all these elements together
for you, so you can captivate your audience, amplify your brand and attract more ideal customers.

It Has Been Said,

“Your brand is what other people say about you when you’re not in the room.”

You can control exactly what you want those conversations to be about, with a well executed and professionally designed website with copy that expresses your story in a magnetic and influential way.

Recent Projects Completed for Outstanding Entrepreneurs, Celebrities and Influencers

Zero Obligation. Endless Potential

Our Digital Marketing Team Has Helped Thousands of Businesses All Over the World to Produce the Highest Converting Websites Possible.

Over 2000 Influencers & Small Businesses Trust Us To Design For Them and You Can Too

Kind Words From the Powerful Voices We Have Amplified Online

“I’m a filmmaker. NOT a designer, not a web designer and certainly not a landing page expert.

I’ve lost count of the number of ‘experts’ who professed greatness, yet whose work disappointed. I was discouraged, frustrated. Great design that converts is measurable.

After lots of false starts, I met Greg and his absurdly gifted team at Studio1 who blew past my greatest expectations and restored my faith.

“Consistently smart, innovative ideas, eye-fetching designs, pages that deliver results. Delivered faster than I thought possible. And they don’t quit til the work is perfect.“

If you and your business deserve the best, if you’d rather not waste time and money on lesser branding, websites or landing pages, take my word for it.

Studio1 is simply ‘as good as it gets’. Full stop!”
Gary Goldstein
Gary Goldstein
Hollywood Producer
of Pretty Woman & Under Seige
“Working with Studio1Design was terrific! Greg and his team are total professionals.

They were sensitive and alert to our schedule throughout, proactively providing creative ideas and responding to our adjustments. The design team turned things around with impressive speed.

“As a result, we got the website up in record time and hit our targets.”
Frank Oz
Voice of Yoda, and Muppets Characters
I was fortunate enough to discover these guys from being in a mastermind and that alone, just that one discovery, was worth the $15,000 a year entry price of being in that mastermind. These guys are that good.

Studio 1 has not only redesigned my main site, but designed 4 other satellite sites, my own personal logo, banners for all the major social networks, podcast cover art (for both of my shows), business cards, and even full-page ads that I’m running in Internet Retailer magazine.

My business card is now a “DHV” (demonstration of higher value) that gets noticed and commented on when I hand it out. My two podcasts are also brands into themselves, thanks to Studio 1. I definitely look larger than life. Heck, I look bigger than I did with my previous agency (which got acquired) — and back then I had 10 times the staff and offices in three countries.”

My personal brand is the strongest it’s ever been and the rates I am able to charge for my services are also at their highest.

Studio 1 has been pivotal to this success. I love how it’s not just a beautiful design but it’s got conversion elements baked in — such as irresistible offers and social proof.

Stephan Spencer
“I collaborated with Studio 1 Design to create a website facelift and rebrand; they were incredible to work with every step of the way. From the initial consult, they were there to help make sure we were all on the same page and clear on my vision.

Since my new website has been live, I’ve had three, back-to-back, record-breaking income months in my business and increased my leads, overall reach, and impact.

I’m one of those people who knows what they want visually but isn’t always able to articulate it to designers, and Studio 1 patiently worked with me through revisions and nailed it!”
Kim Argetsinger
“We have had nothing but positive results since Studio1 designed our website.

Having a professional website design demonstrates legitimacy in the industry which has helped with podcast guest bookings and new opportunities.

Clear navigation and good user-interface have helped increase opt-ins.

We are proud to promote and share our website now that it better reflects our brand.

“We get compliments all the time, and someone else just said that they use it when showing their clients what a “gold standard podcast website” should look like.”
Jordan Harbinger
Jordan & Jen Harbinger
“I was introduced to Studio1 a few years ago when we were looking to upgrade our website. Greg and his team completely understood our vision and created a site to help our fine artwork shine.

More importantly, Studio1’s clean, creative design supports the online customer experience, making it on par with what people see in our 2 galleries.

The design is in perfect alignment with our aesthetic and has doubled our business as a result.

Not only has it improved out online sales, we have more people purchasing from our galleries that discovered us first via our website.”

Erika & Aaron Chang
Erika & Aaron Chang

Kind Words From the Powerful Voices We Have Amplified Online

James Schramko cover
Jordan Harbinger
Chris Ducker cover

How Do You Want to Be Represented to the World?

Meet The Team of Online Marketing Experts
With Proven Experience Building Remarkable Websites for World Class Coaches,
Influencers and Brands Like Yours


Greg Merrilees

Head Design Strategist & Founder of Studio1 Design

Designer to the Stars, Greg Merrilees has over
20 years experience creating world class websites and game changing branding.

Supported by a Team of Experienced and Exceptional Website Professionals



Visual creatives who will bring your vision to the world positioning you and your brand as the best in your field.



We have access to world-class copywriters who are experts in shaping your website copy to engage and convert.
(We work as a one stop shop)



Professional coders and website backend experts who will ensure your website is secure and functional.


Support Team

Our team of tech specialists are here to answer all your questions and be there to guide you every step of the way.


Consider the Cost of NOT Having a Powerful Online Presence

When your website is slapped together over time, without a cohesive and impactful strategy behind it, it can have a detrimental impact on your success.

Your ideal clients can be left feeling disconnected from your message, and struggle to believe that you can truly help them. Building a movement will feel like you’re swimming upstream, because you won’t be established as an expert or a thought-leader online. Leads, sales, and impact will be left on the table without a platform to truly showcase the value you bring to the world.

You’ve worked so hard, pouring everything you’ve got to build your expertise, brand and business, and you deserve to be recognised for the value you bring to the world. So why sit back and let your website hold you back from achieving your goals?

A Powerful Website Represents Who You Are. And What You Stand For.

Let us create a website for you that finally does justice
to who you are and what you have to offer… One that captures your authentic voice and amplifies your expression, while converting and growing your business like wildfire. We know that this is no simple task for any design agency team, but we have mastered the art of repeatedly delivering high-converting websites.

And yours is one call away from getting started…

Ready To Have A Unique &
Impactful Brand & Website Design?

Fill out the form below and we will send you a quote today…

Frequently asked questions

Fill in the form above and we will email you a custom quote for your new website design.

Here’s our action plan for the website briefing phase:
– First you answer our design questionnaire as best you can, or send us your own brief.
– We then have a 1 hour Zoom video call to deep dive and work out a Website Conversion-Boosting Strategy.
– You leave the session feeling confident and clear on how we’re going to take your website to a whole new level.
– After the Zoom we send you the final quote, then you decide if you want to proceed.

Here’s our action plan for the website design phase:
– Our world-class design team will professionally design a unique custom website to suit your vision and marketing funnel.
– Your new website will be designed with a modern layout, visual hierarchy & psychological persuasive drivers to build trust in your brand, and entice your ideal customer to take action.
– We send you the home page design using placeholder copywriting, for your feedback/approval.
– We will help guide you on the copywriting needed throughout the pages and sections within. (You can then write the copy yourself or you can hire our copywriting partners).
– While we’re waiting for the final copywriting, if you approve the overall look and feel of the home page, we can get started on the inner page designs.
– You provide the final copywriting, and we will revise the designs to suit the copy and send for your feedback/approval.
– We make unlimited design revisions until you approve the design, as long as the revisions are inline with the original brief.
– Once you approve the home page design, we will start designing the inner designs.
– We make unlimited design revisions, based on the original design brief, until all pages are approved.
– Once you approve the design, we package the final editable design files & notes for the developers to build the website.
– We automatically sign the Intellectual Property rights over to you.
– As per our standard design terms here… https://studio1design.com/terms-conditions

If you need a copywriter, we can introduce you to one of our conversion-focused copywriting partners and they can send you a quote based on your needs. Their quote can vary between one thousand and five thousand dollars, depending on how much copy you need. We can introduce you to one of our copywriting partners when you choose us.

The total design phase for all page designs usually takes around 6 weeks from the time we have the full brief until we have the entire website designed and approved, including unlimited design revisions

Yes, we offer unlimited design revisions on everything we design for you, until you approve the designs, as long as the revisions are inline with the original brief. If you completely change direction after we start designing, then we will send you a quote to continue designing to match the new direction.

Our goal is to give you designs that you love. If you like what you see in our folio and case studies, there is a high chance that you love what we design for you. If you don’t love the design we create for you, we will revise the design until you do love it. We have a dozen designers, so if you’re not happy with the designs, we can start fresh with a new designer.

We don’t always design the mobile view. It depends on how tricky the desktop view is. We do like to like to design the header, top nav and footer on mobile to show the developers what we intend to happen with those section. 

Most experienced coders don’t want the entire page designed for mobile because it can slow down their coding, if they have to match the mobile design exactly.

When we design the mobile view, we try to simplify the pages because we know how important site speed is for conversions and rankings.

On the mobile views, wherever possible we replace background images with a flat colour, plus it’s worth testing removing images & reducing the amount of elements and sections on the page.  The goal is to have it load fast AND convert, so it can be a balancing act of what to simplify.

Our quotes can vary based on the number of pages, length of pages, and complexity of the custom designs.

Request a quote today and we will email you an estimate based on your answers.

The coding phase usually takes around 5 weeks from the time you approve the designs.

Here’s our action plan for the WordPress build phase:

– Once the designs are approved, we’ll build the site, as per the approved designs, on our staging server.
–  We will build your site on WordPress using the Hello Theme on a fresh new WordPress install.
– Then we will build the pages using the Elementor page builder so that it’s easy for you to make updates yourself.
– It will be responsively coded for viewing on all mobile devices and all screen sizes.
– Our coders use WordPress best practices for coding so it will be tuned for speed.
– We will keep all of your existing blog posts and urls that you have currently on your live site, to avoid any SEO loss on those pages.
– We will review, keep or connect all external 3rd party plugins that you have currently.
– We will connect the site to your existing email marketing platform, payment gateway, etc.
– We will install Google tag manager, Google / Facebook remarketing pixels, etc.
– We add Yoast SEO plugin to your site and will add meta titles & keywords provided by you to help you be found in Google.
– Once the site is coded, we send you a link to the site (on our server) for you to test.
– Once approved we will transfer the site to your live domain.
– We then give you access to your new live site, and we give you 14 days free support to fix any bugs or minor errors we may have made.
– From that point, you have complete control and ownership over your new website.
– As per our standard coding terms here… https://studio1design.com/dev-terms
– If you need us to make any more revisions to the live website, we will be there to help with paid support from US$25 p/hr

 Yes, absolutely. You can use your coders instead of ours to turn the designs into a live functional website. Once you approve the designs, we package the final editable design files with fonts and instructions for the developers of your choice to start coding.

We charge upfront and it needs to be paid in full to get us started. We don’t offer to split invoices and here’s why…

We have between 50 & 100 design projects on the go at any given time, so if we had to split the invoices for every client and send the second invoice after the work is completed, we would need to hire a full-time bookkeeper, which means we would need to increase our prices. We charge upfront so we can give you our best price.

Yes we do. It’s our absolute last resort, however in the very unlikely event that you are truly not happy with our designs and we have done everything within our power to deliver our best designs to you, using multiple designers and unlimited design revisions, then YES we will give you a refund that we both agree is fair. Our reputation means the world to us and we want you to be satisfied that we have done our best.

Yes, with all designs that we create for you, we automatically sign the Intellectual Property rights over to you when paid in full. (All of our designers have signed a designer’s agreement with Studio1 signing the I.P Rights to Studio1, so we transfer the rights to you.)

We are an Australian company based in Melbourne, Australia. Most of our clients are in the USA, Canada, UK. Australia, New Zealand & Europe.

Press the ‘Submit A Question’ button below & we will answer you generally within a couple of business hours. (Australian Time Zone = GMT+10 hours).

Privacy Policy

This following document sets forth the Privacy Policy for the Studio1 Design website: Studio1Design.com. Studio1 is committed to providing you with the best possible customer service experience. Studio1Design is bound by the Privacy Act 1988 (Crh), which sets out a number of principles concerning the privacy of individuals.

Collection of your personal information
We collect Non-Personally Identifiable Information from visitors to this Website. Non-Personally Identifiable Information is information that cannot by itself be used to identify a particular person or entity, and may include your IP host address, pages viewed, browser type, Internet browsing and usage habits, advertisements that you click on, Internet Service Provider, domain name, the time/date of your visit to this Website, the referring URL and your computer’s operating system.

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Participation in providing your email address in return for an offer from this site is completely voluntary and the user therefore has a choice whether or not to disclose your information. You may unsubscribe at any time so that you will not receive future emails.

Purchases through this website
For access to our design services & for our customer support you are required to submit personally identifiable information. This may include but not limited to a unique username and password, address and phone number. We do not store any of your payment processing details when you make a purchase on this site. All secure payments are processed via Paypal. Paypal is a trusted & secure payment gateway.

Cookie Based Retargeting & Marketing
From time to time some of our advertising campaigns may track visitors to this website for the purpose of display advertising. If this is a concern to you should turn off third-party cookies in your web browser.

Sharing of your personal information
Your personal information that we collect as a result of you purchasing our products & services, will NOT be shared with any third party, nor will it be used for unsolicited email marketing or spam. We may send you occasional marketing material in relation to our design services.

Changes to this Privacy Policy
Studio1 Design reserves the right to make amendments to this Privacy Policy at any time. If you have objections to the Privacy Policy, you should not access or use this website. You may contact us at any time with regards to this privacy policy.


Is Your Website
Working Hard For You?

Download our proprietary 10-point conversion checklist to discover the most important quick wins to boost your website’s performance & to get it working hard for you…

We Only Send You Awesome Stuff =)

Ready to Join a
World-Class Design Team?

Fill out the form below so we can get to know you better