
Exclusive Offer Only For Studio1 Clients…

Boost Your Leads and Sales, Guaranteed.

Conversion Optimization using our expertise and AI for continuous A/B split testing of new design variations on your website.

  • 24 Years In Business
  • 2,351 Websites Designed
  • 26,684 Web Pages Designed
  • 24 Years In Business
  • 2,351 Websites Designed
  • 26,684 Web Pages Designed
  • 24 Years In Business
  • 2,351 Websites Designed
  • 26,684 Web Pages Designed
  • 24 Years In Business
  • 2,351 Websites Designed
  • 26,684 Web Pages Designed

Awesome Results From Our Clients

SaxSchoolOnline.com Offer a free trial, AND 90-day 100% refund guarantee which has added over 1000 new students!

PilatesJustForYou.com 6 months after their new optimized website went live, their business turnover increased by 30%, adding 26 new clients to their Pilates studio sessions.

TeachTraffic.com added a new opt-in page with a simple form that converted cold traffic at 44% generating 865 leads in the first six months. Then they had a second offer on the ‘thank you’ page which asked for more details. 

By Optimizing Your Website Conversions, We Will Help Your Business:

Maximize Your Brand's Impact With Continuous Website Optimization

You already have an awesome website that’s designed to convert. 

However your audience may use your website in unexpected ways, and your audience changes over time.. Therefore, with continuous testing, we can keep improving your website’s results with each split test.

Our expert team will analyze and report to you with our recommendations that will have statistical significance, then design, build & perform A/B split tests to ensure your website keeps improving over time, helping your epic brand reach its full potential. Knowing how to increase your conversions and what to change can be quite daunting for you or your team.

Where do you start to overcome these types of challenges?

Ongoing Potential

Your business keeps evolving, or your audience behavior changes, and you’re not sure what to change on your website to suit.

Performance Metric

Your analytics & dashboards, are overwhelming, and you’re not sure what to do with that data.

You’re Not A Conversion Expert

You know your business really well, however, as your business grows, your website needs to adapt to suit your growing audience.

If any of these challenges resonate with you, let us help you solve them and convert even more visitors into hot leads and sales.

How Continuous Website Optimization Can Help Scale Your Business

Your website is already primed for success, designed to convert visitors into customers. But imagine the possibilities if you continuously fine-tune and optimize every interaction.

Here’s what awaits:

Maximized Sales Opportunities:

By refining each element visitors interact with, you increase your conversions, leading to higher profits.

Enhanced Competitiveness:

While others scramble to keep up, your optimized website can capture more market share and boost brand visibility.

Improved User Experience:

With regular optimization, your website becomes a seamless interaction for users across their desktop, tablet, and mobile devices.

Optimized Marketing Spend:

Every dollar spent on marketing yields higher returns as more visitors become customers through effective conversion strategies.

As you grow your audience and your customers’ expectations shift, your website needs to adapt to changes,  continuously refining its performance to exceed expectations.

With Studio1’s Ongoing Conversion Optimization Service, your website keeps improving and consistently drives more ROI.

Ready to Boost Your Website Results?

Studio1’s Conversion Optimization Service helps your website turn more visitors into hot leads and sales while minimizing missed opportunities with our proven methodology:

Advanced Analytics with the Help of AI

We leverage Microsoft Clarity and install it on your website to get data-driven insights, which combines the best features of Google Analytics,
heatmaps, and screen recordings enhanced with powerful AI capabilities. 

This tool provides comprehensive insights into user behavior through detailed heatmaps, session recordings, and AI-driven recommendations. 

Personalized Video Reviews and Expert Conversion Optimization Strategies

Once our expert team has analyzed the data and user behavior we hypothesize and advise which design iterations, strategies, or funnel steps will have statistical significance are and are worth testing. We leverage our knowledge based on what’s working for our other clients who may have a similar business to yours. 

Each month, we send you a personalized video review explaining the data and our tailored recommendations to boost your results based on your goals. 

New Design Iterations For Better Results

Based on our recommendations, we will design new sections of pages, rearrange pages or elements on a page, create new pages, and make small copy edits. 

Once you approve the designs we will build/code on your website as a variation ready for split testing.

May the best design win!

If you’re ready to turn your website into a powerhouse, maximizing your conversions over time without paying tens of thousands per month to a conversion optimization agency…

Then let Studio1 handle it for you at a fraction of the price of CRO agencies, so you can sit back and watch your conversions improve month after month.

Awesome Results From Our Clients

WomensMeditation Network.com has seen incredible growth in podcast downloads and memberships since removing a range of offers, and just focusing on one offer.

ThePropertyCouch .com.au has over 10 million podcast downloads and has collected over 50,000 new leads since we redesigned their home page.

.com offers a free book plus 3 surprise bonuses, resulting in a 22% boost in conversions

Just as a Formula 1 Car Fine-Tunes Its Performance With Each Race, Your
Website Can Evolve Continuously Over Time

Ready to unlock your website's full potential today?

Why Keep Optimizing Your Website Even if it’s Already Designed to Convert?

Even if your website is already converting well, there’s always room for improvement. With ongoing optimization, you will:

Maximize Potential:

Website optimization can uncover areas for further growth, allowing you to capture even more leads and sales.

Enhance User Experience:

Refining your website and creating a more enjoyable visitor journey leads to increased loyalty and repeat business.

Adapt to Changes:

Market conditions, competitors, and consumer behavior always change. Regular optimization ensures your website can adapt to these changes and boosts your conversions with every change.

The benefits of ongoing optimization extend far beyond just boosting conversions. 
It’s about staying agile, maximizing potential, and continuously improving to meet the ever-changing needs of your audience. 

You know it’s a whole new level when your website operates at its peak performance, consistently driving high conversions.

The Power of Optimizing Conversions on Your Website

Every day presents new growth opportunities. When you take proactive steps to enhance your website, you open doors to more opportunities.

Your website serves as a dynamic tool to scale your business, capable of capturing every opportunity for growth when optimized effectively.
By investing in optimization, you get to improve your website’s capability, ensuring you grab every chance to engage more potential customers.

When more of your website visitors spend more time on your
website, finding what they need…

You increase your visitor engagement & reduce the bounce
rate. Then Google is likely to send more organic traffic your
way. As a result, more people who need your solution will
visit your website, creating more conversion opportunities.

Ready to boost your website’s results?

Maximize Your Website’s Potential With Studio1’s 5 Step Action Plan To Boost You Conversions

Step 1

Strategic Goal Setting & Advanced Data Tracking

Clearly define your objectives and align them with your business strategy. We use sophisticated tracking tools like Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, and more to meticulously monitor user behavior.

Step 2

Thorough Performance Evaluation & Documentation

We assess your website’s speed, performance, and user experience across all platforms. Detailed documentation ensures we address any issues without disrupting your current setup.

Step 3

Customized Proposals and Seamless Implementation

Our experts craft tailored improvement plans based on extensive data analysis. From concept to execution, we manage every step of the optimization process to enhance your website’s efficiency.

Step 4

Advanced A/B Testing & Insightful Conversion Research

Employing A/B testing and in-depth user behavior analysis, we identify and implement high-impact changes that drive conversions and enhance user engagement.

Step 5

Comprehensive Reporting, Benchmarking, & Continuous Improvement 

We compile actionable insights into comprehensive reports, allowing you to track progress and refine strategies. Our iterative approach ensures sustained improvement in your website’s performance over time.

Why Choose Studio1 for Your Website’s Conversion Optimization?

Studio1’s Conversion Optimization Service

Perfect for websites with 2,500 - 100,000 visitors per month. You get:

from $2000 /mth

The amount per month will be worked out on our call. No hidden fees. Pay by the month. Cancel anytime.

Our Conversion Guarantee, Or We Refund You 100%

We guarantee that in the first 60 days of split tests, we will find a positive result in your website conversions. If we don’t live up to this promise, we’ll refund 100% of your investment. We will also explain the results, and offer to conduct one more test for free, then you can decide if you would like to continue with our service.

Awesome Results From Our Clients

The new website design looks a whole lot better, plus it's so much easier to manage in the back end. Our awesome results are from a combination of the new website, new copy and running new ads.



The new website is high converting in the sense that I’m selling more books, my podcast subscriptions have gone up, and people joining my list has increased exponentially.

Timbo Reid


Since our new website went live we have had an increase in new leads and sales. Working with the Studio1 team was a great experience.

Lez Yeoh


Frequently Asked Questions

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO), or simply Conversion Optimization, is the process of strategic planning and execution to increase website conversions.

What is considered to be a ‘Conversion’ will differ depending on the business —- usually this refers to a purchase, a booked call, a subscription, etc.

Conversion Optimization does not only revolve around these types of actions, conversion optimization is also used to increasing AOV (Average Order Value), cart abandonment recovery, site speed and usability enhancements.

Your website may be currently performing well and you are receiving your expected revenue. BUT, there is always room for improvement, and these improvements lead to higher conversions!

Conversion optimization can significantly impact your online presence – especially when done right.

Here are a few of the many benefits:

Increased ROI
Your visitors will turn into customers without spending on acquisition costs regularly.

Data-Driven Decisions
Having data is one thing, but understanding it is what truly adds value. We make smart decisions when we understand the data. Conversion optimization not only gives you the website’s number of views and exits but it also provides insights about your customers’ behavior on your website — fueling your marketing strategies and decision-making!

Improved User Experience
With conversion optimization, bounce rates will definitely be reduced. Your existing design, copy and user interface could be optimized strategically to do both at the same time: increase customer satisfaction and increase conversions.


With our expert knowledge and the help of AI, we will keep performing A/B testing for design changes to continue finding the better versions to boost your website’s results.

To get a statistically significant, data-driven result we require at least 1,000 visitors to each page to test. If it takes your page 15 days to reach the recommended amount of visitors, then each test will take two weeks.

We will only split-test new design variations that we recommend, and that
you agree are worth testing. If the results are poor, then we move on to the next test.

We can’t always guarantee that each test will help, however, we
can guarantee that the more tests we do over time, the better your website will convert.

No, sorry. This offer is ONLY for our existing clients’ websites we have designed AND built.

We can optimize your website if we built it on WordPress, Webflow, or Shopify.

This service is not a good investment for you at this stage because it will take too long to see the results of each split test. Once you have more than 2500 visitors per month, reach out to us =)

If you have a super high volume, then you may want us to perform more than 5 A/B split tets per month, so schedule a call with us, and we can discuss a custom rate per month.

  • We use Tag Manager & Microsoft Clarity for analytics, heat maps, visitor videos & AI recommendations.
  • We can also analyze your Google Analytics and any dashboards or metrics you want to share with us.
  • We use a ‘Duration Calculator’ and a ‘Statistical Significance Calculator’ to help figure out what is worth testing.
  • We use Figma as our design tool for creating the design variations.
  • We use the appropriate A/B split test tool to suit your platform, such as WordPress, Webflow, Shopify, etc.
  • We use Loom to send you personalized videos, with report reviews, insights, recommendations, and strategies.
We won’t need much from you because we have already designed your website. We will need your feedback and approval on every design change before we build it on your website ready for split testing.

Based on our recent research, our competitors’ basic CRO program offers start from $3,000 to $10,000 per month!

Most CRO agencies do not put up their price on their website and would like to get you on a call first before sending a quotation.

These competitors determine the cost of your CRO depending on how well your website (and your business) is doing — that’s why a lot of them implement a minimum of  100,000 monthly website visitors  before they will help you.

Here at Studio1, we offer the CRO solutions YOU NEED.

You will get a customized and data-driven set of solutions for your website.


We will start with an onboarding call to discuss your goals and KPIs. From there we will communicate with you via our support desk via email to send you reports, video reviews, and designs with unlimited revisions for your feedback. You can reply via email and send us video feedback if you prefer.

Most conversion rate optimization agencies usually start with a website designed by somebody else. However, Studio1 has already designed your website. Now it just needs fine-tuning with our proven process to give you a boost in results, with far less time than a dedicated CRO agency would take.

We have a 100% money-back guarantee if we do not get you positive results after 60 days of split-testing. We don’t have any long-term contracts with you. You pay upfront for our services for each month. If we do not perform the service for you within a month, we will refund you for that month. You can continue, pause, or cancel our service at the end of each month.

Just send us an email with your preference, and we will adjust your account to suit. If you decide to cancel, that’s absolutely fine. We will ask you for your valuable feedback so we can learn how to improve. 

© 2024 Studio1Design.com

To see how we can help, fill out the form below

and book a call on the next page.

I understand and accept the Terms & Conditions for Studio1's Conversion Optimization service.(Required)

Privacy Policy

This following document sets forth the Privacy Policy for the Studio1 Design website: Studio1Design.com. Studio1 is committed to providing you with the best possible customer service experience. Studio1Design is bound by the Privacy Act 1988 (Crh), which sets out a number of principles concerning the privacy of individuals.

Collection of your personal information
We collect Non-Personally Identifiable Information from visitors to this Website. Non-Personally Identifiable Information is information that cannot by itself be used to identify a particular person or entity, and may include your IP host address, pages viewed, browser type, Internet browsing and usage habits, advertisements that you click on, Internet Service Provider, domain name, the time/date of your visit to this Website, the referring URL and your computer’s operating system.

Free offers & opt-ins
Participation in providing your email address in return for an offer from this site is completely voluntary and the user therefore has a choice whether or not to disclose your information. You may unsubscribe at any time so that you will not receive future emails.

Purchases through this website
For access to our design services & for our customer support you are required to submit personally identifiable information. This may include but not limited to a unique username and password, address and phone number. We do not store any of your payment processing details when you make a purchase on this site. All secure payments are processed via Paypal. Paypal is a trusted & secure payment gateway.

Cookie Based Retargeting & Marketing
From time to time some of our advertising campaigns may track visitors to this website for the purpose of display advertising. If this is a concern to you should turn off third-party cookies in your web browser.

Sharing of your personal information
Your personal information that we collect as a result of you purchasing our products & services, will NOT be shared with any third party, nor will it be used for unsolicited email marketing or spam. We may send you occasional marketing material in relation to our design services.

Changes to this Privacy Policy
Studio1 Design reserves the right to make amendments to this Privacy Policy at any time. If you have objections to the Privacy Policy, you should not access or use this website. You may contact us at any time with regards to this privacy policy.

Studio 1 Design : Conversion Optimization Terms & Conditions

Agreement between Studio 1 Pty Ltd, ABN 46 082 517 539 (we or us) and you. These terms and conditions govern your subscription to our Conversion Optimization services, a subscription product and form a binding contractual agreement between you, the user of the Service, and us. By using the Service you acknowledge and agree that you have had sufficient chance to read and understand the Terms and you agree to be bound by them. If you do not agree to the Terms, you must not use the Service. 1. Fees and Costs
  • 1.1 The Service is available for purchase as a monthly subscription through our Website. The Fee will be automatically deducted from your credit card or PayPal account each month.
  • 1.2 If your credit card expires or your credit card details change, you must let us know as soon as possible. Delay in payment may result in suspension or termination of your subscription by us.
  • 1.3 Unless otherwise stated on the Website or in any invoice we provide you, the Fee is quoted in US dollars and expressed inclusive of all taxes.
2. Timing
  • 2.1 We will use reasonable commercial endeavours to deliver the Services in accordance with any agreed timeframes, but we do not guarantee any timing estimates and we will not be in breach of our obligations if we fail to meet any such timelines.
3. Our Guarantee
  • 3.1 We guarantee that in the first 60 days of split tests, we will find a positive result in your website conversions. If we fail to find a positive result, we’ll refund 100% of your investment paid for our Service during these 60 days.
  • 3.2 We do not guarantee specific results from our Services. You understand and agree that you are engaging us to provide services aimed at generating results, but specific outcomes are never guaranteed. It is further understood and agreed that we have no control over external factors (for example Google, Meta or other platforms and any changes they may implement) that could affect the performance of our services.
  • 3.3 If we fail to identify a positive result in your website conversions as a result of our Services, to the extent permitted by law we will not provide you with a refund, unless this falls within our 60 day Guarantee period.
4. Client Obligations
  • 4.1 You agree to provide timely access to your website’s analytics, necessary data, and collaboration on testing to enable us to deliver the services effectively.
5. Intellectual Property Rights
  • 5.1 You acknowledge and agree that all Intellectual Property Rights in all creation files, working files, artwork, and other documents provided by us in connection with the Services vest in us on its creation. For the avoidance of doubt, this does not include your Background IP or any licences (such as image licences).
  • 5.2 Upon full payment of our fees but subject to clause 7.3, we will assign to you all Intellectual Property Rights in the project, except in relation to any of our Background IP. In such case, we have a perpetual, irrevocable licence to use the relevant project Intellectual Property Rights unless agreed otherwise in writing. For the avoidance of doubt, Intellectual Property Rights that we have agreed to transfer to you do not include any licences (such as image licences) or other Intellectual Property Rights that we are not able to assign.
  • 5.3 Each party retains ownership of its Background IP and grants to the other party a non-exclusive, royalty-free licence as follows:
    • for us, to the extent necessary to enable us to provide the Services, exercise our rights in accordance with the provisions of these terms and conditions, and otherwise carry out our obligations under these terms and conditions, and
    • for you, only for the purpose and scope of the project, unless otherwise agreed in writing.
  • 5.4 If during the course of providing the Services we develop, discover, or first reduce to practice a concept, product, or process which is capable of being patented, then such concept, product, or process will remain our property and you must not use or otherwise appropriate such property without first obtaining our written consent.
  • 5.5 To the extent permitted by applicable laws and for your benefit, we will, upon your request in writing, procure the consent from the holder of any Moral Rights in the project.
  • 5.6 We may purchase rights to images that we use in providing the Services to you. Such images may be subject to a licence agreement between us and a third party that may restrict your use of those images. Please ask us if you would like to be given a copy of the terms of any such licence. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, we may at our discretion use images that have been used in providing the Services to you, with other clients or on other works. If you require specific images, you may be required to pay an additional fee(s) for that use. Even if we agree to provide an image to you exclusively, we cannot guarantee that the image will not be used by other third parties who may have obtained these images from another party.
6. Warranties and Liability
  • 6.1 You warrant that all work and materials provided by you (including your Background IP) will be free and clear of all liens and encumbrances and may be lawfully used by us without infringing upon the rights of others including, and without limiting the generality of the foregoing, any copyright trade secret patent or trademark rights of any third party.
  • 6.2 You acknowledge that you have not relied on any advice, representation, or warranty given by us in connection with the Services that are not expressly stated in this document.
  • 6.3 To the extent permitted by law, all warranties, conditions, and representations by us are excluded. If a term is implied by law into this document and the law prohibits provisions in a contract excluding or modifying liability under that term, then it will be included this document. However, our liability for breach of such term will be limited, at our option, to one or more of the following:
    • the supply of the services again; or
    • the payment of the cost of having the services supplied again.
  • 6.4 To the extent permitted by law, neither we nor any of our officers, employees, agents, or related bodies corporate will be responsible or liable in any way (including for negligence) for any loss, damage, liability, or costs incurred or sustained by you or claims made against you, and you agree not to make any claim against us, due to or arising out of our provision of the Services.
  • 6.5 Without limitation, we will under no circumstances be liable for any indirect or consequential losses, including loss of profits, loss of revenue, and loss of business opportunity.
  • 6.6  You indemnify and hold us harmless in respect of any and all claims, loss, or damage of any kind whatsoever (including legal costs and disbursements on a full indemnity basis), arising directly or indirectly out of:
    • any act done by us in good faith and purportedly pursuant to a right granted to us under the provisions of this document;
    • any infringement by you of third-party Intellectual Property Rights, and/or
    • any breach by you of any of the terms of this agreement
7. Termination
  • 7.1 You may terminate your subscription to the Service at any time with no penalties, effective at the end of the current billing cycle, by notifying us via email that you wish to terminate your subscription.
  • 7.2 We reserve the right to suspend Services immediately at any time and without liability if you breach these Terms in any way.
  • 7.3 If you breach any term or condition of this document and fail to remedy such breach within 14 days of you receiving written notification from us indicating the breach and requiring its remedy, then we may at our discretion treat this document as terminated, in which case we will retain the Intellectual Property Rights in the Services even if we had previously agreed to assign it.
  • 7.4 Termination due to a breach of this document by you does not in any way prejudice any of our rights including our right to receive payment for Services rendered.
8. Non-Solicitation
  • 8.1 You must not during the term of this document, or for a period of 6 months following completion of any project that we undertake for you:
    • employ, contract, or hire the services of any of our personnel, or
    • induce or attempt to induce any of our personnel to terminate their agreements or contracts with us.
9. General
  • 9.1 All notices and consents required or permitted to be given under this document must be in writing and given by personal service, pre-paid postage, a facsimile transmission, or email transmission at the addresses of the parties set out in this document or to such other address as either party may designate to the other by written notice.
  • 9.2 Neither this document nor any rights or obligations of this document may be assigned or otherwise transferred by either party without the prior written permission of the other.
  • 9.3 If we do not act in relation to a breach by you of this document, this does not waive our right to act with respect to that or subsequent or similar breaches.
  • 9.4 Nothing stated in this document constitutes you and us as partners or creates the relationship of employer and employee, master and servant or principal and agent between the parties. Neither party shall have authority to make any statements, representations or commitments of any kind, or to take any action which shall be binding on the other party, except as expressly provided in this document or authorised in writing.
  • 9.5 If any provision of this document should be held to be invalid in any way or unenforceable, the remaining provisions must not in any way be affected or impaired. This document must be construed so as to most nearly give effect to the intent of the parties as it was originally executed.
  • 9.6 These terms and conditions are governed by and to be interpreted according to the laws of Victoria, Australia. The parties submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of that State.
  • Background IP means Intellectual Property Rights owned by either party immediately prior to the date of this agreement or developed independently of this agreement.
  • Intellectual Property Rights means all present and future rights conferred by statute, common law or equity in or in relation to any copyright, know-how, trademarks (whether registered or not), business names (whether or not registered), domain names, inventions, discoveries, patents, patent applications, designs, circuit layouts and all other intellectual property as defined in Article 2 of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization of July 1967.
  • Moral Rights means the right of attribution, the right against false attribution and the right of integrity of authorship as defined in the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth).

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