Exclusive Offer Only For Studio1 Clients…

Worry-Free WordPress Support Plans

Our dedicated WordPress Maintenance Support Plans ensures your website is secure, updated, and performs at its peak.

We’ll take the worry out of your website so you can focus on growing your business.

Is Your Business Experiencing these Common Website Problems?

Unsettling reality of hackers
and malware attacks, amplifying security concerns.

Plugins or updates have slowed your website speed.

Finding the thought of keeping up with the latest WordPress updates, security patches and protections daunting.

Experiencing frustrating delays from unreliable workers like freelancers and developers.

Only finding out about broken pages or links after a website visitor lets you know.

Sinking valuable hours each week into laborious content uploads and updates.

If any of the above sounds familiar, we can help.

Kind Words From the Business Owners We’ve Helped

“We invested heavily in our new website, videos, copywriting and SEO, and I am thrilled with the results!

“Our traffic and inquiries are at all-time highs month after month, and we have had 60 new inquiries in 3 Months.“

“Greg and his team at Studio 1 are undoubtedly the best web designers in the world.

Early into our partnership with Studio 1, I recognized just how much they wanted our law firm to succeed and thrive. They treated our business like it was their own.

They took the time to understand my vision and brought it to life. In fact, they surpassed my dream vision.

We reviewed dozens of competing personal injury sites together and agreed that none were truly remarkable. We set out to create a gold standard in the personal injury space, and I humbly believe we did just that!

I cannot thank Greg and his team enough. I am singing their praises from here in Indiana to Australia!”.
Brandon Yosha
“Working with Studio1Design was terrific! Greg and his team are total professionals.

They were sensitive and alert to our schedule throughout, proactively providing creative ideas and responding to our adjustments. The design team turned things around with impressive speed..

“As a result, we got the website up in record time and hit our targets.”
Frank Oz
Voice of Yoda, and Muppets Characters
“Since Studio1 redesigned our website last year we have had so much positive feedback back about the overall look, feel and flow of our website design from our members and other music educators. My team and I are all very proud of how the website represents us as a business, which is very important I think and helps to focus what we are trying to build together.

Over the past 12 months the design combined with new copywriting has helped increase our conversion for new members joining Sax School too.

“We have added over 1000 new students to our paid membership community in the past 12 months and the rate of uptake on our free introductory offers has helped our mailing list grow by over 25,000 people.”

Most importantly I feel that the new website design has been a welcome update to the look and feel of our business to new students and helped to unify the design and branding of our business over all our marketing. Although I was hesitant to hand off the design and web development to an expert, it was in retrospect the best decision I could make for my business because Studio1 did so much better than I could have, and it allowed me to focus on building my business instead of tinkering with the website!”
Nigel McGill
“For the first time I thought maybe I should actually get my site professionally designed and I saw Studio1Design.com. I like everything they had there. I went through their process and it all just made sense. They were great to work with. We work together over several weeks to get it exactly how I wanted it and they were not going to stop until I was completely satisfied with their design..

You can certainly spend ten grand, twenty grand or even more on web design. I think Studio1’s price is a good happy medium because you can also go the other way and hire somebody for less and spend $500 on web design, but you get what you pay for. I think.

“Studio1 does a great job of finding that happy medium between, not breaking the bank on the cost, and doing an incredible quality of work!””
Jacques Hopkins
“I was introduced to Studio1 a few years ago when we were looking to upgrade our website. Greg and his team completely understood our vision and created a site to help our fine artwork shine.

More importantly, Studio1’s clean, creative design supports the online customer experience, making it on par with what people see in our 2 galleries..

The design is in perfect alignment with our aesthetic and has doubled our business as a result..

Not only has it improved out online sales, we have more people purchasing from our galleries that discovered us first via our website.”

Erika & Aaron Chang

You Already Have An Awesome Website

Our help doesn’t stop at conversion-focused website design & coding.

Now you can experience complete peace of mind with our comprehensive WordPress support maintenance package, designed to keep your website running smoothly and securely after it goes live, without the cost of hiring an in-house developer.

Here’s what you’ll get each month:

WordPress, Themes, and Plugins Updates:

Stay ahead with the latest features and security enhancements, ensuring your website runs on the newest and most secure versions.

Check & Test Web Forms:

We regularly test web forms for functionality, ensuring your visitors' interactions are
seamless and error-free.

Security Scan:

Protect your website from vulnerabilities with our thorough security scans.

Create Back-up:

Regular backups are made to safeguard your website’s data against any unforeseen events.

Deadlinks Check:

No more broken links! We maintain the integrity of your website by fixing or removing deadlinks.

Speed Checks:

Fast loading times are crucial for user experience. We regularly optimize your site
for peak performance (Premium Plan)

Choose The Plan That Works For You

Premium Support

Each month, we will perform the following:


Cancel or Pause Anytime

*No lock in contracts

Essential Support

Each month, we will perform the following:


Cancel or Pause Anytime

*No lock in contracts

Frequently asked questions

Our packages include updating WordPress, themes, and plugins updates, web forms functionality testing, security scans, deadlinks checks, and ensuring that regular website backups are run. We will also work on regular speed & Core Web Vitals optimization as part of your developer hours.

Additional hours can be purchased. We’re flexible and can tailor our services to meet your specific needs.

Your hours do not roll over at the end of the month, so please send any small coding or dev tasks to our team throughout the month

Maintenance tasks such as updates, security checks, and performance optimizations are performed monthly to ensure your website operates smoothly and securely.

Yes, we offer two different maintenance packages tailored to various needs and budgets. You can choose the one that best fits your requirements, and you can upgrade, cancel, or pause your service at any time.

In the rare event of an issue arising post-update, our team will promptly address and resolve the problem as part of our maintenance service, ensuring minimal disruption to your website’s operation.

We will take a monthly backup, before making any changes to your website such as updating WordPress, Plugins, etc.

We recommend ensuring that your website host create a daily backup. We use and recommend WP Engine for fast and secure hosting, with daily backups included. If you are not hosted with WP Engine and would like to move your website hosting, you can use this link to get four month’s free website hosting .

Yes, if you have specific preferences or compatibility issues, we can accommodate those requests while ensuring your website’s security and performance are not compromised.

Yes, our plans are flexible with no lock-in contracts, allowing you to cancel or pause your service as needed.

Yes, we provide regular reports detailing the updates performed, any issues identified and resolved, and insights into your website’s performance.

You website may be offline temporarily during WordPress or Plugin Updates. We strive to perform maintenance tasks during low-traffic periods, minimizing any potential downtime or impact on your website’s availability.

This exclusive service is available only to Studio1 clients if we have designed and built your website. Our deep understanding of your website’s design and backend enables us to quickly identify and resolve any issues that may arise.

Simply choose the plan that fits your needs and click “Get Started Now” on our website. We’ll guide you through the setup process to ensure a smooth transition.

Premium Support
Essential Support

Privacy Policy

This following document sets forth the Privacy Policy for the Studio1 Design website: Studio1Design.com. Studio1 is committed to providing you with the best possible customer service experience. Studio1Design is bound by the Privacy Act 1988 (Crh), which sets out a number of principles concerning the privacy of individuals.

Collection of your personal information
We collect Non-Personally Identifiable Information from visitors to this Website. Non-Personally Identifiable Information is information that cannot by itself be used to identify a particular person or entity, and may include your IP host address, pages viewed, browser type, Internet browsing and usage habits, advertisements that you click on, Internet Service Provider, domain name, the time/date of your visit to this Website, the referring URL and your computer’s operating system.

Free offers & opt-ins
Participation in providing your email address in return for an offer from this site is completely voluntary and the user therefore has a choice whether or not to disclose your information. You may unsubscribe at any time so that you will not receive future emails.

Purchases through this website
For access to our design services & for our customer support you are required to submit personally identifiable information. This may include but not limited to a unique username and password, address and phone number. We do not store any of your payment processing details when you make a purchase on this site. All secure payments are processed via Paypal. Paypal is a trusted & secure payment gateway.

Cookie Based Retargeting & Marketing
From time to time some of our advertising campaigns may track visitors to this website for the purpose of display advertising. If this is a concern to you should turn off third-party cookies in your web browser.

Sharing of your personal information
Your personal information that we collect as a result of you purchasing our products & services, will NOT be shared with any third party, nor will it be used for unsolicited email marketing or spam. We may send you occasional marketing material in relation to our design services.

Changes to this Privacy Policy
Studio1 Design reserves the right to make amendments to this Privacy Policy at any time. If you have objections to the Privacy Policy, you should not access or use this website. You may contact us at any time with regards to this privacy policy.


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